Positive Reviews
Complete accommodations.
If you love to escape to a resort and enjoy the amenities, the Shangri-La has everything you need for a luxurious stay. Restaurants, spa and recreational activities are all located on site to make visiting easy – if you want to venture out to the city there are many shops, restaurants and points of interest to enjoy.
Exceptional service.
When you visit a world-class property such as the Shangri-La, you expect personalised and attentive service. Staff at the hotel are willing to go above and beyond to make your stay memorable and comfortable – if you have any special needs or request, be sure to bring it to the attention of hotel staff as soon as possible for accommodation.
Beautifully clean.
The luxury resort is well-maintained and clean – restaurants, social spaces and rooms are well kept and welcoming. Be sure to take advantage of many of the hotel’s premium services and facilities during a stay.
Negative Reviews
Peak travel times.
Throughout the year, various peak travel times make the Shangri-La resort booked closer to capacity which could diminish the tranquillity for some guests. Larger guest volume also means that many of the public amenities become busier – such as the swimming pool. If you’re interested in visiting during an off-peak season, be sure to speak with hotel staff for possible options.
Wi-Fi spotty.
If you’re in the guest room and need Wi-Fi, it could be spotty at times. The complimentary Wi-Fi is located in each guest rooms and there is a 24-hour business centre for use in the event the room Wi-Fi isn’t up to speed.
Noisy ambiance at times.
The location of the hotel on the canal makes it a beautiful venue, but the water location also makes it prone to recreational activities such as Jet skis – some guests might find the constant hum of the jet skis to be a bit irritating at times.